Hello and welcome! I’m Cerina.

I love meeting and knowing individuals exactly as they are and getting to support them on their journey of becoming. 

I'm a

But I don't want to get ahead of myself, so let me give you a quick rundown of what makes me, me.

My Background

At the beginning of my career, I secured my first therapist position working with individuals affected by domestic violence in a residential setting. These women profoundly influenced my professional trajectory and imparted valuable lessons about the fundamental needs essential for our well-being and survival - namely, healing from trauma, building trust and safety, forming identity, cultivating togetherness, and fostering healthy love.

As I transitioned from community health to private practice, I knew I desired to extend my care and compassion to all women, aiding them in their journey of healing and thriving in the realm that personally keeps me alive - relationships. We are innately wired for connection, yet often require guidance in navigating how to live and love harmoniously as our authentic selves.

Regardless of the circumstances you face - whether it's deciding to stay in or leave a romantic partnership, carving out a new identity in motherhood, addressing a toxic friendship, or seeking support in a new role or season of life - I am here to accompany you on a transformative journey towards healing.

My Approach

I am a practical, hands-on therapist with a background in psychodynamic and IFS care, two powerful therapeutic approaches that focus on understanding all aspects of who you are  (yep, even that unconscious stuff!) while ensuring that acute needs and future oriented goals are part of our work.

I am also deeply motivated by building meaningful relationships. It is my desire to connect with you, earn your trust, share laughter, navigate challenges together, and engage in the necessary work. Witnessing my clients embrace a sense of safety and vulnerability in therapy empowers their progress and propels them towards achieving their goals.

Additionally, I am currently training for EMDR certification, an evidence-based therapy that can further enhance our work together.

Who I Am

I am POC, cis-female, a wife, a mom, daughter, sister and friend. And, I am a therapist, and have helped hundreds of women navigate the complexities, challenges and triumphs of these roles we play in our life.

I live in Portland, OR with my husband and two kids. On the weekends, you can find me…

  • prioritizing a digital detox (books > phone)

  • attending a bunch of birthday parties (the ones with the goodie bags and juice boxes)

  • prioritizing movement and health - the more outside the better!

  • working through my Sunday scaries

In session, you are welcome to ask me personal questions. I take care to answer in the most honest and clinically-appropriate way possible.

Professional Background:

Cerina Griffin, MS, MFT is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the states of Oregon and California, and practices remotely and in person for those residents. She earned her Masters in Clinical Psychology at Vanguard University in 2011 and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oregon in 2005. With over 10,000 hours of direct client care, Cerina continues to find energy in her work and commitment to helping women improve relationships with themselves and others throughout all seasons of life. Extra trainings and certifications beyond licensure have included EMDR, Internal Family Systems, Jungian Theory, multicultural studies, trauma informed care and maternal mental health. Cerina also works as adjunct faculty for Vanguard University and teaches clinical foundations and conceptualization courses.